Tiramisu Cake

Tiramisu Cake - Size: 2 LBS/2 Pound Brand: CALIFORNIA CAKE PASTY SHOP

Strawberry Cake

Tiramisu Cake - Size: 2 LBS/2 Pound Brand: CALIFORNIA CAKE PASTY SHOP

Mocha Cake

Tiramisu Cake - Size: 2 LBS/2 Pound Brand: CALIFORNIA CAKE PASTY SHOP

Mango Cake

Tiramisu Cake - Size: 2 LBS/2 Pound Brand: CALIFORNIA CAKE PASTY SHOP

Itallian Cake

Tiramisu Cake - Size: 2 LBS/2 Pound Brand: CALIFORNIA CAKE PASTY SHOP

Classic Vanilla Cake

Tiramisu Cake - Size: 2 LBS/2 Pound Brand: CALIFORNIA CAKE PASTY SHOP

Classic Vanilla Cake

Tiramisu Cake - Size: 2 LBS/2 Pound Brand: CALIFORNIA CAKE PASTY SHOP

Classic Vanilla Cake

Tiramisu Cake - Size: 2 LBS/2 Pound Brand: CALIFORNIA CAKE PASTY SHOP



Gerbera Flower Bouquet

Gerbera Flower bouquet -r r A bouquet of mixed flowers is a beautiful representation of happiness, excitement & love, that is ready to mesmerize your loved ones on any special occasions!

Gerbera Flower Bouquet

Vibrant white Gerbera flowers -r r are wrapped beautifully as a bouquet to mesmerize your dear ones on a special day with its wonderful fragrance! It is suitable for occasions like Party, Birthday, Wedding, Valentineā€™s Day, Motherā€™s day, Anniversary etc.

10 Vivid Roses

10 Vivid Rosesr Red roses symbolize pure love, care and affection. A bouquet of red roses is a representation of joy and celebration! Get one of this bouquet to surprise dear ones on special occasions. Note: A bouquet of 10 Red Roses.

Rose Mixed Flower Bouquet-1

Rose Mixed Flower Bouquet-1 : A bouquet of mixed flowers is a beautiful representation of happiness, excitement & love, that is ready to mesmerize your loved ones on any special occasions!

Gerbera Flower Bouquet

Gerbera Flower bouquet -r A bouquet of mixed colorful Gerbera flowers is a beautiful representation of happiness, excitement & love, that is ready to mesmerize your loved ones on any special occasions!

Wedding Bouquet gift

Wedding Bouquet gift Beautiful mix of various types of multicolored flowers all designed as a bouquet, that looks absolutely stunning to represent as a wedding gift in Bangladesh. Utshob.com has different customized flower bouquets like this available to present as gift for big events.




FOX’S Crystal Clear Fruits Mints Candy-180gram

Item Format: Toffee Weight: 180 g Flavour: Mint County of origin: Indonesia

Fin Carre Dark Chocolate- 100gram

Item Form: Bar Weight: 100 g Flavour: Chocolate County of origin: Germany


CHIKO ECLAIRS CELEB HEART SET BOX 650 GM Chiko Eclairs Celeb Heart Set is filled with yummy Chiko Chocolate Eclairs. Carmel with a Chocolate Centre.

Toren Rocco Chocolate Sea-On the Wave-20gram

Item Form: Bar Weight: 20 g Flavour: Chocolate County of origin: Turkey

KitKat Orange (2 Fingers) -186.3gram (20.7gram 9 Bars)

Item Form: Bar Weight: (20.7g x 9 bar) 186.3g Flavour: Orange Chocolate County of origin: UK

Mars Chocolate 3 Bar-118.2gram (39.4gram 3 bar)

Brand: Mars Flavour: Chocolate Weight : 118.2 g Country of origin: UK

Cavendish & Harvey Wild Berry Drops (Sugar free)-175gram

Brand: ā€ŽCavendish & Harvey Weight: 175 g Flavour: Wild berry Country of origin: Germany

Ricola LemonMint Sugarfree Herb Drops Tin-75g

Brand: Ricola Weight: 75 g Flavour: Peppermint, lemon, menthol Country of origin: Switzerland