Tiramisu Cake

Tiramisu Cake - Size: 2 LBS/2 Pound Brand: CALIFORNIA CAKE PASTY SHOP

Strawberry Cake

Tiramisu Cake - Size: 2 LBS/2 Pound Brand: CALIFORNIA CAKE PASTY SHOP

Mocha Cake

Tiramisu Cake - Size: 2 LBS/2 Pound Brand: CALIFORNIA CAKE PASTY SHOP

Mango Cake

Tiramisu Cake - Size: 2 LBS/2 Pound Brand: CALIFORNIA CAKE PASTY SHOP

Itallian Cake

Tiramisu Cake - Size: 2 LBS/2 Pound Brand: CALIFORNIA CAKE PASTY SHOP

Classic Vanilla Cake

Tiramisu Cake - Size: 2 LBS/2 Pound Brand: CALIFORNIA CAKE PASTY SHOP

Classic Vanilla Cake

Tiramisu Cake - Size: 2 LBS/2 Pound Brand: CALIFORNIA CAKE PASTY SHOP

Classic Vanilla Cake

Tiramisu Cake - Size: 2 LBS/2 Pound Brand: CALIFORNIA CAKE PASTY SHOP



Pink and White Lily Flower Bouquet

Pink and White Lily Flower Bouquet - A bouquet of mixed flowers is a beautiful representation of happiness, excitement & love, that is ready to mesmerize your loved ones on any special occasions!

Mixed Lily & Rose Bouquet

Mixed Lily & Rose Bouquet - r A bouquet of mixed flowers is a beautiful representation of happiness, excitement & love, that is ready to mesmerize your loved ones on any special occasions!

Gerbera Flower Bouquet

Pink Gerbera Bouquet -r r Vibrant pink Gerbera flowers are wrapped beautifully as a bouquet to mesmerize your dear ones on a special day with its wonderful fragrance! It is suitable for occasions like Party, Birthday, Wedding, Valentineā€™s Day, Motherā€™s day, Anniversary etc.

Pink Gerbera Flower Bouquet

Mixed Flower Bouquet - A bouquet of mixed flowers is a beautiful representation of happiness, excitement & love, that is ready to mesmerize your loved ones on any special occasions!




Ginnou Chocolate Square Gift Box 88gm

Ginnou 7 pieces Chocolate box Adora Handmade Chocolates use only the finest rich and creamy ingredients,including pure Callebaut Belgian couverture chocolate, locally sourced cream and fresh, locally made Pepe Saya butter.


LOTTE GUM BANANA FLV 12.5GM 2 PACKETS Splashes your mouth with freshness. Fights bad breath in the mouth.

Cavendish & Harvey Strawberry Drops Filled-175gram

Brand: ā€ŽCavendish & Harvey Weight: 175 g Flavour: Strawberry Country of origin: Germany

Galaxy Smooth Milk-110gram

Item Form: Bar Weight: 110 g Flavour: Chocolate County of origin: Ireland

Cavendish & Harvey Fruity Orange Drops-200gram

Brand: ā€ŽCavendish & Harvey Weight: 200 g Flavour: Orange Country of origin: Germany

Tirma Dark 85% Cocoa-125gram

Item Format: Bar Weight: 125 g Flavour: Dark Chocolate County of origin: Spain

Hershey’s Kisses Milk Chocolate with Almonds -150g

Item Form: Beans Weight: 150 g Flavour: Almond, Chocolate County of origin: USA