Tiramisu Cake

Tiramisu Cake - Size: 2 LBS/2 Pound Brand: CALIFORNIA CAKE PASTY SHOP

Strawberry Cake

Tiramisu Cake - Size: 2 LBS/2 Pound Brand: CALIFORNIA CAKE PASTY SHOP

Mocha Cake

Tiramisu Cake - Size: 2 LBS/2 Pound Brand: CALIFORNIA CAKE PASTY SHOP

Mango Cake

Tiramisu Cake - Size: 2 LBS/2 Pound Brand: CALIFORNIA CAKE PASTY SHOP

Itallian Cake

Tiramisu Cake - Size: 2 LBS/2 Pound Brand: CALIFORNIA CAKE PASTY SHOP

Classic Vanilla Cake

Tiramisu Cake - Size: 2 LBS/2 Pound Brand: CALIFORNIA CAKE PASTY SHOP

Classic Vanilla Cake

Tiramisu Cake - Size: 2 LBS/2 Pound Brand: CALIFORNIA CAKE PASTY SHOP

Classic Vanilla Cake

Tiramisu Cake - Size: 2 LBS/2 Pound Brand: CALIFORNIA CAKE PASTY SHOP



Light Pink Rose Flower Bouquet

Light Pink Rose Flower Bouquet - A bouquet of Pink roses can never fail to charm your loved ones on any special occasions!

Rose and Lily Mixed Bouquet

Mixed Rose Flower Bouquet - r Colorful Roses are wrapped beautifully as a bouquet to mesmerize your dear ones on a special day with its wonderful fragrance! It is suitable for occasions like Party, Birthday, Wedding, Valentineā€™s Day, Motherā€™s day, Anniversary etc. Utshob.com has multiple choices of designed bouquets available for sending as gift.

Gerbera Flower Bouquet

Gerbera Flower Bouquet -r Vibrant Red Gerbera flowers are wrapped beautifully as a bouquet to mesmerize your dear ones on a special day with its wonderful fragrance! It is suitable for occasions like Party, Birthday, Wedding, Valentineā€™s Day, Motherā€™s day, Anniversary etc.

Blue and Rainbow Roses

Blue and Rainbow Roses Very attractive bouquet of Blue Roses & a Rainbow Rose that looks perfectly ready to surprise your beloved ones with its unique beauty!

Red Rose Bouquet

Red Rose Flower Bouquet - A bouquet of classic Red Roses can never fail to charm your loved ones on any special occasions! It has a stunning look on its own to be appreciated for its absolute beauty.




Sevigny’s Thin Ribbon Candy-255gram

Brand: ā€Ž Sevigny's Weight: 255 g Flavour: Fruity Country of origin: Mexico

Cavendish & Harvey Strawberry Drops Filled-175gram

Brand: ā€ŽCavendish & Harvey Weight: 175 g Flavour: Strawberry Country of origin: Germany

Lindt Swiss Classic Dark Chocolate with Hazelnuts-100gram

Item Format: Bar Weight: 100 g Flavour: Dark Chocolate County of origin: Switzerland


HERSHEYS CREAMY MILK CHOCOLATE BAR 28 GM 1 Order=4 pices These smooth, creamy, indulgent, delicious & mouth-watering chocolate bars are a classic treat that all can enjoy.

Wrigley’s EXTRA Gum Winterfresh Sugar Free Chewing Gum,-15 Pcs

Brand: Wrigley's Flavour: Winterfresh Item Form: Sticks Country of origin: USA

Ginnou Chocolate Box 88gm

Ginnou 7 pieces Chocolate box Adora Handmade Chocolates use only the finest rich and creamy ingredients,including pure Callebaut Belgian couverture chocolate, locally sourced cream and fresh, locally made Pepe Saya butter.

SAFARI CHOCOLATE 30 GM 1 Order = 4 Pieces

SAFARI 30 GM 1 Order = 4 Pieces It can be a lovely gift for someone close to your heart too.